
Ex-President Trump picked Stephanie Grisham, an enthusiastic supporter, as White House Press Secretary. Grisham observed Trump close up and concluded he is dangerous con man who cannot be trusted with our nation’s security or interests.

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No real Republican would vote for Marxism. This is BS.

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Adam Kinzinger is killing it! Thank you all!

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As a life-long Republican activist, former county chairman, former executive director of the Republican Party of Texas, I no longer recognize the party to which I devoted my life. Rather than supporting law and order, free trade, and individual freedom it has become the personal vehicle for one man, catering to his whims and wishes for personal power. Still loyal to the principles of the Republican Party best represented by Ronald Reagan and both Presidents Bush, I will vote for Kamala Harris in 2024.

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A long, but worthwhile, read is The Room Where it Happened. by one of Trump's National Security Advisors John Bolton. He is another insider who reveals the chaos of the Trump-led administration and the danger to the Free World when the prince of petulance is ordering seasoned foreign relations and intelligence experts, and highly decorated generals and other military leaders to ignore their better judgment and just do it his way. I'll give him credit on Iran, but the rest of what is reported in Mr. Bolton's book reveals a man who fails to know his limitations and listen to his selected experts. "A man's got to know his limitations."

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