I am a lifelong moderate Republican who came home from Viet Nam in 1973 and saw how corrupt Richard Nixon was. I was embarrassed to say I identified with the party, but I stuck with it. I have watched the party become more and more radicalized over the years. I pray that the younger generations will try to reverse this trend by riding the party of the self-actualized politicians that now hold office. We desperately need change !! Campaign finance reforms and term limits are a good place to start.

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Courage. I think back to that young man standing in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square. Knowing he would be crushed for his beliefs, but standing there regardless.

Cheney voted for Trump in 2020. She voted with him over 90% of the time in his first administration.

She saw what the world saw after the election and made a stand for democracy. It destroyed her career as surely as a tank.

But having the courage of one's convictions was a more powerful force. Country over Party.

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First of all, get rid of selfish madman. Then, after this term, please rebuild Republican party with patriots! Yes, go for Harris now

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Thank you, Liz Cheney! We appreciate your leadership and courage! I’m incensed at Tom Bolton, who should be taking this same path. However, he says that, although he will not vote for Trump, he doesn’t believe that the man is a threat to Democracy! He isn’t delving into the evidence as he should before making such a statement! We need everyone to have the same clear thinking as Rep. Cheney and Adam Kinzinger! Press on, Republicans for Harris!

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The Republican party is worth fighting for. Donald Trump is not. The Republican party has had many chances to change course but blew right through them all. It's time to blow up their MAGA movement at the ballot box and defeat the man leading it so new leadership can ascend. Defeat Donald Trump!

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We need at least two parties to make this Democracy work so yes, please reform the Republican Party but feel free to change its name to reflect the true nature of the former true “Republicans” …who are now rising up to pull this Party back up by its boot straps…minus its so called “politicians” who proved themselves gutless and easily swayed to the dark side of politics where lying on a daily basis has become their mainstay….

Donald and his brainless minimees can have what’s left of the old Party…he has so totally rebranded it in his image that there’s no going back for “revisions”….think of the stink of the Trumplican politicians who bald faced lied their way through the last 9 years of Donald’s craziness…and they continue to lie even now…right to our faces!

I want nothing to do with that name now or in the future …this current Republican Party will now bear the shame of politicians and staffers who joined ranks with a horrible inhumane malignant narcissist who cared not one iota for the actual Republicans of the Party, this country’s needs in order to survive, or the constitution that he maligned publicly and tried to reshape into his own criminal image……the shamelessness it took on his part and theirs to strip this Party of any decency, morals, or ethics should never be forgotten or forgiven….NEVER!

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A lot can change in four years. What hasn’t changed is Trump’s vile and vulgar nature. Well, let me backtrack. It has changed for the worse as he declines into full blown narcissistic and cognitive behavior. I like Liz Cheney even though I’m a full blown progressive democrat.

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I have posted this before, in other forums. I am a lifelong registered Republican and I intend to remain so. I need to do that to vote for the best , or at least the least looney candidate in the primaries. I then vote for the person I think is most qualified and closest to my beliefs in the general election. They are occasionally also Republicans.

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I hope we see more of Liz Cheney. I would love to see her and Adam Kinzinger in a cabinet role. I know they are the best and the brightest Republicans and could add depth and integrity to an already stellar team of VP Harris and Governor Waltz.

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You had me until you said, "The future of the GOP is pro-choice voters who understand that the government has no place in dictating personal decisions on matters of heart and home. It’s embracing the LGBTQ+ community, recognizing that equality and dignity are non-negotiable."

There is a large faction of conservative Christians attracted to this movement because Donald Trump does not remotely reflect the Jesus he claims to follow. When you use language like you did in the quote above, you are ostracizing and contributing to the further disillusionment of this faction. It seems the reform you want to see in the Republican party is to become a watered-down version of a progressive liberal party. The reform I and many others would prefer to see is a return to faithfully following traditional Biblical values while mimicking the loving compassion toward people that Jesus always modeled.

There NEEDS to be a balance of Grace & Truth. The MAGA agenda has neither Grace nor Truth. The Republican party that you are advocating for is high Grace and low Truth, indistinguishable from the values of a progressive Democrat party. The Republican party we NEED will find the balance of both Grace (compassion for people) and Truth (leaning on God's Word to understand what is best for humanity). For this reason, I can no longer follow along with this movement. But I wish you all luck in helping this nation move on from the MAGA Trump Republican party!

I applaud the politicians like Liz Cheney who have the courage to stand up and say enough is enough. There is still hope for conservatives who resist the political idolatry that MAGA Republicans have fallen into. I'm disappointed in Nikki Haley for abandoning her convictions and I pray she would prioritize her Faith over her political career. It's going to take a lot of sacrifice to stand up to MAGA, but once the party turns around, the conservatives who sacrificed political gain will be rewarded.

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